Thursday, March 19, 2009

February Meeting Notes

Community Garden at Everett School
Garden Planning Meeting
February 11, 2009

Attendees: Cindy – parent and garden organizer
Josh – parent
Jessica – parent
Jaime – farmer

1. Teacher survey

The first survey went out to the teachers and staff. Based on response from the first survey, we will do a second survey.

2. Blog

The blog is up and running, titled “Growing Together”, at Cindy will post meeting notes, schedules, needs and a general what’s happening of the school garden. Information about the blog was also printed in the Parent Consultant news.

3. Volunteers

We discussed the need to get committed volunteers and decided to start with the parents who were already active and participating in the garden.

4. Curriculum

Expanding on the previous meeting in terms of what student in which grades could do what, it’s suggested that the younger students, kindergarten through second grade might be perfect for starting seeds. Third through fifth grade students can test the soil to determine its needs. The older kids will be needed to help construct the greenhouses in March.

5. Seeds

Jaime brought seeds for some of the students to get started on including Garlic Chives, Sage, Fennel, Flat Leaf Parsley, Large Leaf Basil and Nelson’s Golden Giant Tomato. She also brought cell flats and fluorescent lighting.

6. Seed balls

We are going to work with second grade students to create seed balls to sell at the MASQUE event in a few weeks. We will be working with Michelle’s students on a date and time to be confirmed by Jessica. The proceeds will be donated to the PTO. The attendees will donate the supplies and materials needed to make the seed balls.

7. Compost

There is a farm near the quarry that is donating as much compost to the school as it can use. Volunteers will need to load and unload it, but it will be free to the school. Pending the weather, we are planning to move the compost in April. We will need lots of volunteers to help shovel the compost.

8. Scheduling

Seed Balls – February 25th
Greenhouse Installation – Tuesday, March 10th
Compost – Saturday, April 4th

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